

something surges out of the self, but really more out of the world... and it's such a wild child that you don't really want to guide it, but feel you should........... if for no reason other than to get the other mothers off your back about the matter... but in guiding it you don't want to stop its dance (so barefoot and naked that it's almost crude). a torrent of energy emerges. it comes from nowhere for it has always been there, but it is a change in form from what it used to be.... once the body no longer grows upward, the self must grow inside, and the heart must grow and the mind must grow and because the space is so limited there, they must grow together.... and then the guitar abilities must be expanded; the fingers stretched; the rules broken; the strings bent; and the brushes/words/thoughts/connections spun all up together where they are wont to be, and then dragged apart like two siamese twins who only want to look at one-another, but can't, because they're adjoined at the head. because there's nowhere to put that energy except for everywhere, and this realm must grow to accomodate. it'll grow and stretch but cannot break because the boundaries of this realm also accomodate reality. i don't want to waste a wind...

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